His growth is unlikely, especially in the near future. In other words, he may feel as if he has lesser control over situations.An exhausting journeyKetu and Mars will transit over the natal Mars in the period between May and November, 2018. He might face difficult situations in politics. Jignesh Mevani Vacuum bag The year 2017 made Jignesh Mevani a person to reckon with. Changes may happen in the medium-term future. Thus, he should be very cautious while taking important strategic decisions.   There may be downfallSaturn will transit over three natal planets in his horoscope. How else can we explain the rise of so many caste-based groups in the country?

It is in this backdrop that Jignesh Mevani, a Dalit leader, shot to prominence in Gujarat. At times, he may feel tired and exhausted.More success unlikelyThe pressure and stress in politics may be accompanied with emotional setbacks. But what are Mevani’s future prospects? Will he turn into a prominent leader in the time to come? Here’s what his horoscope says.

This may demand much of his time and energy. There are chances that he may not be able to take such a huge pressure. Thus, Jignesh Mevani will have to exercise a lot of caution and intensify his efforts in the time to come. It may even refine his personality.Much of India is still obsessed with caste identity. There is a likelihood that he may face a sharp downfall in his political career..  Self-confidence will remainOn the other hand, the influence of Jupiter may help him in various ways. We can say he will be down but not out in the near future. It is believed that Mevani’s crucial support to the Congress in 2017 Gujarat Assembly Elections made the BJP’s victory margin narrower. Thus, in spite of hurdles, he may retain his self-confidence and march ahead in life.

His political life may move along a line that he doesn’t want. If he evades this point, the situation may boomerang on him. The presence of Jupiter is likely to foster more discipline in his life.Call for cautionHowever, he is likely to face difficulties in communicating with others. This planetary combination signifies matters related to the political arena. The political situation in Gujarat will remain volatile but he may not be able to take advantage of this situation. This is all the more true in his public life. He is likely to face confrontations with other politicians in the third quarter of 2018. But will he enjoy the same success in the future? Here’s an analysis of his horoscope.A mixed bagHe may face several serious challenges.The pressure and stress in politics may be accompanied with emotional setbacks. That is his present. This transit is not good for his political career. Overall, his political life may be a mixed bag, full of testing situations and a certain level of growth. In the end, it can be said that Jignesh Mevani will face serious hurdles in the foreseeable future